Phase -5

Removal of the Digit Widget

Once you’ve gained as much extension as possible (or as needed based on your overall treatment plan), the device is commonly left on the finger for an additional two to three weeks to allow the palmar soft tissues to fully relax into their lengthened state. Afterwards, the device may be removed in the physician’s office or in the OR. Removal in the OR is most common if additional surgery is needed. Otherwise your physician may remove the bone pins in the office, with or without local anesthesia.

The hex wrench loosens the Pin Block from the bone pins. Needle holders may be used to unthread the bone pins from the finger. Once the pins are removed, the pin sites are protected with a small dressing and splinting is common.

Next steps in treatment

Once the Digit Widget is removed, your surgeon or hand therapist may begin active flexion exercises to help rebalance the extensor mechanism that may have become incompetent while your finger was flexed. Be sure to revisit the original treatment plan developed with your surgeon and discuss if the plan is still appropriate or should be amended based on how you and your finger responded to the Digit Widget.

That’s it! You’re now a Digit Widget graduate, and we hope your treatment has been a success. Many patients contact us to share their stories, and often they’re having Digit Widget surgery on the opposite hand at a future date. The success of treatment with the Digit Widget is based on many factors, the most important being YOU! If there was anything you experienced during your treatment, or any questions you had trouble finding answers to, we welcome your feedback and suggestions.

What information do you want to see?

Please share feedback if you feel we’ve missed something, or if there is specific information you’re looking for. We would love your feedback!